Tomatoes – NZ Loose
1kg is approximately 8 – 12 tomatoes.
A bag is 1kg.
Selection: Choose some ripe and some less ripe if you are a once-a-week shopper, and choose size according to your end use. Should be firm, shiny and clear skinned.
Preparation: Wash and eat.
Good for You: Contains Vitamins A, C & E; lycopene – a power anti-oxidant, potassium and calcium.
And Tastes So Good: Can be eaten raw, in salads, alone and dressed with herb dressing, sliced for sandwiches, slow roasted to intensify flavour, fried, barbequed, Made into sauces, pesto, soups and chutneys, added to stews and casseroles.
Storage: At room temperature out of direct sunlight.