Mandarins – NZ
1kg is approximately 12 small mandarins.
Selection: Mandarins are typically small and round, with a slightly flattened shape. The skin is usually bright orange, but it can also be yellow-orange or red-orange depending on the variety. The skin is thin and loose, making it easy to peel. This characteristic is one of the reasons mandarins are popular as a snack.
Preparation: Mandarins are often eaten fresh, added to salads, or used in desserts and savory dishes. They can be juiced for a refreshing drink or used in marinades and dressings.
Good for you: Mandarins are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is important for immune health. They contain antioxidants like flavonoids, which help protect against cellular damage and are low in calories but high in beneficial nutrients.
And tastes so good: Mandarins are known for their sweet and slightly tangy flavor, which is generally sweeter and less acidic than common oranges. The flesh is juicy and segmented, similar to other citrus fruits.
Storage: Best kept in fridge.
$1.39 – $6.95